Congressman Josh Gottheimer is my choice on Election Day for the 5th Congressional District.
The New Jersey State Fraternal Order of Police, the New Jersey State Police Benevolent Association, which advocates for 33,000 members, and the New Jersey State Firefighters Mutual Benevolent Association have all endorsed Gottheimer for re-election.
“Republicans for Josh Gottheimer,” organized in 2016, recognized that Josh had the educational and business credentials to make an exceptional congressman. His first term has proven their judgment to be sound, and are endorsing him once again.
Gottheimer, in January of 2017, hit the ground running when others were just finding their way around Washington. His first piece of legislation was an amendment to H.R. 1367 giving the Department of Veterans Affairs priority to hire post-9/11 vets for needed positions. The final legislation passed by voice vote and was signed by the president. Nineteen more bills would follow.
Gottheimer, the co-chair of the Problem Solvers Caucus, has been reaching out to other members of Congress and continues to seek common ground and reach across the aisle.
On Tuesday, Nov. 6, vote for Congressman Josh Gottheimer, working for us, and those who “have our backs!”
Josh deserves to be re-elected to the 5th Congressional District.
Mary Ellen Vichiconti